NEuE | Jeroen van Vliet | Sanne Rambags & Anneke Haans

..To imagine the effect of memory or oblivion on a fragment of music, to think about the acoustic (and) poetic effect of a sound submerged (for centuries). What happens to the sound? What is lost?…
Musical Landscapes is a sound journey, reflection, and representation of a connection with the “Now”. An improvisation in which the deeper layers of the subconscious are touched during the concert. In recent years vocalist Sanne Rambags has studied the possibilities of the voice. She will perform the sounds and colors she discovered during this research in collaboration with visual artist and ‘drawing language’ expert Anneke Haans during their new project “Musical Landscapes”.
Musical Landscapes is a solo voice concert in interaction with pencils and brushes. Sanne Rambags goes back to basics, to the core. With her drawings, Anneke Haans captures the movements and energy of music with colors and shapes. With her paintings she makes visible on the spot what is going on in the subconscious, what is not visible to the senses in the music. This creates a communication between voice and visual art, a dance on paper, in which the wanderings of the voice are translated into visual, special, colorful landscapes.
New European Ensemble will present:
Chronicles I (à la samā’ī): string quartet by Kinan Abou Afach
Pieces by Jeroen Van Vliet
“Van Vliet is one of these rare talented artists who can clarify musical character.”
Rinus van der Heijden,
“After 60 minutes, one knows what beauty in improvised music means…”
Hans-Jürgen von Osterhausen, Jazzpodium