


At Culture Unlimited Festival we are committed to the the public benefit and transparency of our activities. This document has been drawn up to inform all interested parties about the objectives, structure, and activities of our foundation. We invite you to read this policy plan and view our website for further information. For any questions, please feel free to get in touch.



Our foundation’s mission is to use music and other art forms as a means to connect different cultures and promote intercultural dialogue, with a focus on new and unheard music from the Eastern world. We aim to achieve this through cultural exchange projects, music festivals, and other cultural events that involve the participation of local communities.



We aspire to be a platform that bridges Western and Eastern ideas through music and cultural heritage, offering opportunities for creative interaction and fostering social cohesion and understanding. we proved space for talent development as well. Our goal is to reach a broad and diverse audience of all ages and backgrounds, while also providing a space for specialists in the field to exchange ideas and information.



We are guided by values such as respect, collaboration, diversity, exchange, compassion, engagement, empowerment, education and inquiry, hope, trust, social cohesion, beauty, friendship, and acceptance.


Culture Unlimited Foundation

Paviljoensgracht 20
2512BP – The Hague

IBAN: NL92INGB0008827401

Chamber of Commerce: 73400149
RSIN 859513816
Summary and background information
Culture Unlimited Foundation promotes intercultural dialogue through art. The participation of local communities is a central part of the activities. The focus is on new or unheard music, especially from the Eastern world. The programs contain music from multiple genres, from contemporary classical to jazz, pop, electro and eastern folk music.
Culture Unlimited Foundation does one music yearly festival and also does other cultural events.
The Culture Unlimited Festival is contemporary music from the Netherlands, the Eastern world in focus and the Western world in general. The festival presents traditional and crossover composed music. Our music program features existing bands and ensembles, as well as solo artists in special collaborations with existing formations. The festival will take place in 2023.
with data distributed and locations throughout the Netherlands. The list of concerts presented by the festival is a series of programs, some of which are repeated several times in different locations.
The Culture Unlimited festival is a contemporary crossover music festival in eight cities (concerts, lectures, workshops) that focuses on a broad and diverse audience, young and old. Bringing the festival to these cities with a great diversity of population and interest in intercultural projects will not only greatly benefit the scope of the festival, but the platform will also make these cities a focus of the international community interested / is involved in the thematic content. The festival will thus contribute to the revitalization of cities: a city will be a vibrant mosaic of different places that encourages cross-fertilization, not only promoting intercultural music, but also attracting intercultural audiences from the neighborhoods.

After the success of the first edition, the Culture Unlimited Foundation is organizing the second edition of the Culture Unlimited Festival. We want to go beyond our previous goal of encompassing the Eastern World and Eastern Europe and other areas such as India.

Cultural heritage can be seen as a dynamic concept, not limited to creation only in the cultural field, but rather as part of a social movement that helps different cultures to achieve an attitude of mutual openness. This approach to heritage means emphasizing cultural uniqueness and ensuring its continuity, while at the same time offering new generations of creative artists the opportunity to interact with this heritage, opening doors that connect the past with the present. Culture Unlimited opens up ideas for bridging Western and Eastern ideas in the broadest sense of the word.

By observing our audience of the Oriental Landscapes festival and the way it was generally perceived in the Netherlands, we came to the conclusion that we need to broaden our audience and reach. This is done by emphasizing integration and the effects of cultural diversity in programming, incorporating Dutch ensembles and composers that focus on ancient and modern ties to the Eastern world and beyond.
The project promotes the idea that diversity is wealth for all cultures and ethnic groups. It serves the idea that music can remind people of their shared heritage. It also aims to provide new opportunities for cultural heritage to serve as a catalyst for peace in people’s collective consciousness. We realize our vision of social cohesion and understanding by working with the many new possibilities of cultural heritage, resulting from the dynamics of socio-cultural changes (immigration and globalization) and new encounters.

Our main goal is to turn this unique music platform into an opportunity for the exchange of information and ideas between specialists in this field, giving the public the opportunity to interact with the rich heritage and the different kinds of music that have resulted from cross-cultivation of different cultural environments on the same land. Our focus is to reach all people to get involved and not just musicology specialists. We are planning a media campaign based on the idea that there will be many introductory lectures open to anyone interested in learning about Eastern culture and history.

We know many projects in the Netherlands that work with crossover initiatives. Our specialty is that we bring new formations and new connections. We bring new artists and compositions. We also provide deep insight into the link between history and music in East and West. This is to empower people to share deeper values and engage the public and participants in finding and awakening solutions. We strive to involve others in (inter)active ways. For example, through it for example, discussing topics as diverse as what communities can do about tangible and intangible heritage and finding ways to protect creative memories to adapt societal change through music and culture in general.


Culture Unlimited Foundation has no assets in the sense of liquidity. All funds and income are used to realize the objectives of Culture Unlimited Foundation
The Culture Unlimited Foundation assets include subsidies and other contributions:.
The assets of the subsidies and other contributions will serve to attain the objects of the Foundation.

Remuneration policy

The Culture Unlimited Foundation Board members are not remunerated in their capacity as board member. Board members are only jointly authorized and decisions are taken based on a majority of votes.
Culture Unlimited Foundation has no paid employees.
Our foundation does not yet have any structural subsidies yet, so we depend on project financing like many music festivals in the Netherlands.
The subsidies cover all expenses of the festival that include fees for artists, venues, travel cost, management costs, media costs, and other cost related to making the festival takes place.
The foundation does not make a profit and the budget states that the expenses and the income are equal.

Compensation Policy of Culture Unlimited Foundation

Procedure for Handling Conflicts of Interest at Cultural Unlimited

Regulation of the Board of Directors of Culture Unlimited, January 2024